
  • Private Sessions

    Private sessions last 1-hour and typically occur in your home. The location may vary depending on the needs of your individual dog and situation.

    Virtual sessions are offered but typically only recommended for the initial consult.

    Discounts are offered for Cody’s Friends Rescue foster dogs, foster dogs from other rescues/shelters, and Cody’s Friends alumni. Email proof of foster or adoption from Cody’s Friends to receive discount codes.

  • Group Classes

    Group Class is designed to help dogs socialize in a controlled environment and to help change their associations when seeing other dogs in public. They are held on Sundays at 6pm at the Cody’s Friends Rescue boarding facility in the yard.

  • Board and Train

    Board and trains are intended to help improve a dogs behavior through daily training, socializing, field trips, and more. Each dog will be completely different and the board and train curriculum will be tailored to the individual dogs needs. The duration will be decided based off of multiple factors which will be discussed during an initial assessment session.

    Only one board and train can be done at a time to ensure they get undivided attention

  • Boarding

    Boarding is offered to existing and training clients only.